Sunshine Wheat

Brewery:New Belgium Brewing
Beer:Sunshine Wheat
Origin:Ft. Collins, CO
Container:12oz. Brown glass bottle, normal cap
Purchased:SuperTarget, Rowlett, TX
Price:$0 per 6-pack
Alcohol:4.8% ABV
Brewer's Description:Sunshine wheat beer is brewed for year-round enjoyment, using equal portions of wheat and barley malts. It is spiced with coriander and orange peel in the Belgian wheat beer tradition. Sunshine wheat is silky gold in color with a spicy aroma and a subtle citrus character.
Appearance:Golden yellow, not cloudy, one quick bubble trail with a few slower random bubbles. No real head retention.
Aroma:Smells somewhat sweet and somewhat "biscuity." Can barely pick up a hint of citrus.
Taste:Doesn't taste real sweet, but as far as beer goes, I can understand how it could be viewed that way. Aftertaste yields a hint of citrus.
Mouth Feel:Not real smooth. Maybe a bit over-carbonated. Can definitely feel a bite from carbonation when held in mouth.
Drinkability:Pretty easy to drink. Not my favorite wheat beer, but not the worst. I think I've had enough, though. Probably won't get it again. A little sour for my taste.
Score:3 / 10

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