Flying Dog Dogtoberfest Märzen

Brewery:Flying Dog Brewery
Beer:Dogtoberfest Märzen
Origin:Frederick, Maryland
Style:Oktoberfest Marzen
Container:12 oz. brown glass bottle with pry-off cap
Purchased:Iliff Crossing Liquors, Aurora, Colorado
Price:$0 per 6-pack
Alcohol:5.3% ABV ABV
Brewer's Description:If you put back as many steins as the Germans do in October, lederhosen and polka dancing would seem like a good idea to you, too. Our DOGtoberfest Märzen has a caramel finish and was crafted by a guy who studied brewing in Deutschland. And yes, he does like to strap on some lederhosen when he's feeling saucy.
Appearance:Poured a good amount of light-tan head composed of very fine bubbles. Retained very well in my plastic Solo cup. While being poured, it was a light brown color.
Aroma:Malty smell, but can't pick out any one specific odor. I don't smell much hopiness.
Taste:More malt than hops, but not overly-sweet. Definitely more aftertaste than in-mouth taste. Not bad, but not my favorite.
Mouth Feel:Feels fine. Carbonation is good.
Drinkability:Pretty easy to drink. This one isn't bad at all, but isn't one of my favorites.
Score:6 / 10

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