Leinenkugel's Original

Brewery:Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
Beer:Leinenkugel's Original
Origin:Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Style:American Adjunct Lager
Container:12 oz. can
Purchased:Keg & Cork, Chetek, Wisconsin
Price:$0 per 12-pack of cans
Alcohol: ABV
Brewer's Description:Jacob Leinenkugel's father brought this beer recipe from Germany when he migrated to the United States in the 1840s. We still brew this Great American Beer Festival winner of three medals - two Bronze in 1988 for the American Premium Pilsner and American Style Premium Lager categories, Gold in 1987 for the American Light Lager category - using a blend of three Pale malts and Chuster hops to give it the crisp, distinctive, smooth taste of a true German-style lager. That's the reason, after 140 years of brewing in Chippewa Falls, it's still so popular today!
Appearance:Tough to tell, since I drank it out of a can, but from pictures I found on flickr, it looks light golden in color.
Aroma:Smells about like a Budweiser or something similar. Maybe a little more hops. Not the same as a Point Special Lager, but not too far off.
Taste:Tastes hoppier than a Bud Light. Hops are more prevelant in this one than in most of the large-scale American lagers. I'd say this one is better than most of those, but it's still not great. The Point Special Lager I had on the same day was much better. I think it's just a better balance than this Lienie's.
Mouth Feel:Feel is fine and unremarkable.
Drinkability:This one is pretty good for what it is. For the price, it's tough to beat. At least in my experience, that's true.
Score:6 / 10

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