New Glarus Crack'd Wheat

Brewery:New Glarus Brewing Company
Beer:Crack'd Wheat
Origin:New Glarus, Wisconsin
Container:12 oz. brown glass bottle with normal cap
Purchased:Keg N Kork, Chetek, Wisconsin
Price:$8.39 per 6-pack of bottles
Alcohol:5.95% ABV ABV
Brewer's Description:This is Dan's bold creation. You hold the international marriage of a sophisticated Bavarian Hefeweiss and an assertive American Pale Ale. Amarillo dry hopping drives Wisconsin Red Wheat. Traditional open top fermentation cultivates our proprietary Bavarian Weiss yeast in our own Wheat Beer Cellars. Absolutely 100% natural bottle conditioned. This is a living beer.

Expect to pour a thick creamy head into your glass. Savor the fierce onslaught of clove, cinnamon, and citrus nose. Our very popular Imperial Weizen ratchets down for the session. Drink to adventure and friends in Wisconsin. We are the state of beer.

Style: Wheat
Flavor: Clove, cinnamon, and citrus
Alcohol: 5.95% by volume
Available in 6 packs, Cases, 1/2 Barrels, and 1/4 Barrels

Appearance:Poured a huge head and retained it for several minutes. I think this one had the longest head retention I've seen. Head eroded into a mound in the center of the glass, sloping downwards from the middle towards the walls. Color is light copper. It's unfiltered and is quite cloudy.
Aroma:Smells more like a pale ale than a traditional Hefeweiss. I can definitely smell hops like those in a pale ale.
Taste:Taste is a pretty good mix between the two styles. It's unlike anything else I've tried, so far. If I had to pick something else I've tried that might be in the ballpark, I'd say a Boulevard Lunar Ale, but there are significant differences there.
Mouth Feel:Feel is fine. The frothy head wasn't an indication of low carbonation as I thought it might have been, per the widget can trials I've had.
Drinkability:This one got better as I got through it. It was a little harsh at first, but became more and more appealing. I think I'd rather try some other brews from New Glarus instead of getting more of this one.
Score:5 / 10

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