Anchor Bock Beer

Brewery:Anchor Brewing Co.
Beer:Anchor Bock Beer
Origin:San Francisco, CA
Container:12oz. Brown glass bottle
Purchased:Kegs & Barrels, Plano, TX
Price:$8.99 per 6-pack
Alcohol:5.50% ABV
Brewer's Description:

Anchor Bock Beer, released in celebration of the coming of spring, is an ancient and mysterious part of the brewing tradition. Over time, the term "bock" has come to mean a beer darker and stronger than the brewery's "regular" brew. We hope you will find Anchor Bock to be a rich and flavorful addition to our other offerings.

San Francisco's Anchor Bock Beer is virtually handmade by the brewers of Anchor Steam® Beer, in one of the most traditional small breweries in the world. It is brewed from a complex blend of the finest barley malts, wheat malts, and fresh, whole hops.

Appearance:Dark brown. A little lighter than the London Porter, but not by much. Poured a large head. Retained for a short time. No visible bubbles rising. Head was tan-colored.
Aroma:Smells rich, like the porter did. Pick up a bit of coffee scent.
Taste:Similar in taste to porter as well. Rich taste for beer. Probably a little milder than porter.
Mouth Feel:Nice amount of carbonation. Not quite as thick as the porter.
Drinkability:This is pretty good. I like the fact that it's milder than porter, but still quite similar. This is probably a good beer to drink to get into dark brews if you're not used to them.
Score:7 / 10

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