Boddingtons Pub Ale

Brewery:Interbrew UK Ltd.
Beer:Boddingtons Pub Ale
Origin:Magor, Caldicot, UK (Whales)
Style:English Pale Ale
Container:1-pint aluminum can w/ pressurized widget
Purchased:Kegs & Barrels, Plano, TX
Price:$0 per 4-pack
Alcohol:4.7% ABV
Brewer's Description:Since 1778 when it was first brewed at the Strangeways Brewery in Manchester, Boddingtons has been renowned as a unique, pale-gold ale. In English pubs, Boddingtons is served using the traditional hand pulled method which mixes air with the ale as it pours, producing a distinctive creamy head and smooth body, with little gassiness. Ordinary packaged ale cannot match this quality, but the new Draughtflow system does. By releasing millions of tiny bubbles when opened, Draughtflow cans give the creamy head and authentic fresh taste of Boddington’s Pub Ale. The Draughtflow system employs a small recyclable device which floats in the ale.
Appearance:Very fine bubbles in creamy white head. Color is light amber. Bubbles were down in glass before head settled. Small bubbles lead to good head retention.
Aroma:Typical beer smell. Somewhat mild in smell. Nothing, in particular, sticks out.
Taste:Tastes OK. Nothing special.
Mouth Feel:Very smooth. No detectable carbonation, much like Wexford's. I want more bubbles!
Drinkability:Not very good because of lack of carbonation. Taste is ok, but poor feel means I won't get it again. Taste alone is better than Wexford's, so I will rate it +1 over the Irish Cream Ale.
Score:2 / 10

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Zog said...

Noooooooooooooooooooooo! This is one of our favorites. :)

Then again, as you know, Wexford is another one of my faves.

John said...

Yeah... I knew you liked Wexford's. Maybe I'll warm up to this kind of packaging, eventually, but for now I avoid it. I've never had a beer from a widget can that I've liked. I might like either of them from different packaging, if I could find some.