Anchor Porter

Brewery:Anchor Brewing Co.
Beer:Anchor Porter
Origin:San Francisco, California
Style:American Porter
Container:12 oz. Brown Glass Bottle
Purchased:Kegs & Barrels, Plano, Texas
Price:$8.99 per 6-pack
Alcohol:5.60% ABV ABV
Brewer's Description:San Francisco's famous Anchor Porter brand is made in one of the smallest and most traditional breweries in the world by the brewers of Anchor Steam beer. Our old-fashioned porter is virtually handmade, with an exceptional respect for the ancient art of brewing. We use 100% malted barley, generous amounts of fresh, whole hops, entirely natural carbonation and a simple, natural brewing process which is like no other in the world. The deep black color, the thick, creamy head and the intensely rich flavor of Anchor Porter, made in San Francisco since 1974, have earned this delicious and unique brew a worldwide reputation for outstanding quality. It is aesthetically pleasing and wholly superior in every respect.
Appearance:Very dark brown in color. Head is dark tan. Poured a nice head. Retention was short. Too dark to see any bubbles.
Aroma:Heavy malt smell - very coffee-like.
Taste:The heavy malt smell carries over to the taste. Can definitely taste a coffee likeness.
Mouth Feel:It has a good feel and carbonation level. It’s thicker (more viscous) than something like an Anchor Liberty or Steam.
Drinkability:This one is pretty decent, but I prefer an Anchor Bock or London Porter.
Score:6 / 10

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