Hofbräu München Oktoberfestbier

Brewery:Staatliches Hoffbräuhaus
Beer:Hofbräu München Oktoberfestbier
Origin:München (Munich), Germany
Container:12 oz. green glass bottle
Purchased:Kegs & Barrels, Plano, Texas
Price:$1.49 per single bottle
Alcohol: ABV
Brewer's Description:Munich specialty. Brewed according to the German Purity Law.

The Oktoberfest originated in 1810 in Munich, Germany, as a wedding celebration for the crown prince Ludwig of Bavaria. This product was created especially for this event and is brewed usually for the Oktoberfest, one of the biggest party events in the world. Hoffbräu München (HB) is one of a selected group of breweries granted the privileges of supplying the Oktoberfest with their products. Using the highest quality ingredients, HB's Oktoberfest specialty has its own distinctive and unmistakable taste.

Appearance:Light golden yellow in color. Poured a small head but did not retain it long at all. Random bubbles rising throughout the glass.
Aroma:Smells like a good version of a Bud or something similar. Can't really smell specific hops or malt.
Taste:Tastes very good. Much better than an American style macro-brew.
Mouth Feel:Feel is good with barely enough carbonation for my liking.
Drinkability:Excellent. This one is delicious.
Score:8 / 10

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