Spaten Premium

Brewery:Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH
Beer:Spaten Premium
Origin:Munich, Germany
Style:Munich Helles Lager
Container:12 oz. green glass bottle, normal cap
Purchased:Kegs & Barrels, Plano, TX
Price:$5.99 per 6-pack
Alcohol:5.20% ABV ABV
Brewer's Description:This beer is our speciality. In 1894 Spaten became the first brewery in Munich to produce this brand of light lager.
Appearance:Golden yellow color. Minimal head with no retention. A few bubble trails rise quickly.
Aroma:Smells a little skunky. Once you get past that initial skunkiness, it smells like a Budwesier, only a little stronger.
Taste:Can only taste a little skunkiness. It's not too bad. Taste a hint of nuts. Otherwise, it tastes somewhat similar to regular Budweiser. Maybe less sweet, but not too far off.
Mouth Feel:Feel is good with a carbonation level that is just right.
Drinkability:It's pretty good. Would be better if it were a little more fresh. I had these bottles in the fridge for a while before I drank them. Not the best, but definitely not the worst.
Score:5 / 10

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Another horrible picture. They'll get better, I promise.

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