Anchor Summer Beer

Brewery:Anchor Brewing Co.
Beer:Anchor Summer Beer
Origin:San Francisco, CA
Style:American Pale Wheat Ale
Container:12oz. Brown Glass Bottle
Purchased:Kegs & Barrels, Plano, TX
Price:$8.99 per 6-pack
Alcohol:4.60% ABV
Brewer's Description:

Anchor Summer is the first American wheat beer in modern times. Our first brew of this light and refreshing beer was in the summer of 1984.

Anchor Summer is an all-malt beer, and over 50% of its malt comes from malted wheat. It is fermented with a Triticum aestivum, AKA wheat traditional top-fermenting "ale" yeast because we prefer the clean flavors developed by this yeast. We believe that this style best celebrates the refreshingly light flavor of malted wheat. You may notice that the head on this beer is unusually abundant, with a consistency similar to whipped egg whites. This is due to protein contributed by the wheat.

The brewers at Anchor are proud to have revived not only rich hearty dark beers, but also this light crisp style of a modern American wheat beer.

Appearance:Golden yellow in color. Pretty close to a Bud Light in color. One small bubble trail with a few random bubbles. Poured a large head from a normal pour. Retention was not long.
Aroma:Much like other wheat beers, there is a detectable citrus smell.
Taste:Similar to Sunshine Wheat. I guess this is a typical wheat beer taste.
Mouth Feel:A little smoother than the Sunshine, with not quite as much carbonation.
Drinkability:Decent overall, but I prefer Boulevard Wheat.
Score:4 / 10

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